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Kontaktanzeige von Gograbs
Singles in Nordrhein-Westfalen / Nordrhein-Westfalen!

Möchtest Du Gograbs oder einen der vielen anderen Singles aus Nordrhein-Westfalen / Nordrhein-Westfalen jetzt kennenlernen?

Profil von Gograbs:

Gograbs, ein netter Herr aus Nordrhein-Westfalen / Nordrhein-Westfalen, sucht Frauen (Singles) um Kontakte zu knüpfen, zur Freizeit-Gestaltung, zum Chatten, um sich neu zu verlieben,... und für vieles mehr!

Fotos von Gograbs:

IN-ist-DRIN Foto und Bild vom Single Gograbs

Profil-Details zu Gograbs:

  • Ort und Land: Nordrhein-Westfalen / Nordrhein-Westfalen / PLZ: 48 (Deutschland)
  • Geschlecht: Mann
  • Sternzeichen: Skorpion
  • Alter: 57 Jahre
  • Größe: 1,73 m
  • Familienstand: geschieden
  • Augenfarbe: blau/grau
  • Figur: normal
  • Haarfarbe: schwarz
  • Gograbs über sich: I would describe myself as fiercely loyal and independent with a soft side, but light and easy, funny most times. I have strong family values and enjoy spending time with my family. I am secure, have a good life just missing my true soul mate...I like to be playful and light when not at work. I know how to treat a woman like a queen. I'm also the guy who will hold your hand in public, kiss you when you are not expecting and always open the door for you no matter what! My parents raised me to be a man, confident and self-assured without being condescending or sarcastic. Strong ethics, good moral values, character and integrity are essential for me to respect you as a person; as I would expect you to feel the same. I'm active with sports, exercising, hiking and love to go to wine festivals with my lady. Love the outdoors, love the water, and love traveling the world and experiencing many different types of cultures and new ideas....
  • Mein Beruf: Geologist Engineer
  • Eigenschaften: Humble, loving, generous and committed
  • Hobbys: Cooking, Dancing, Watching and Playing sport
  • Mein Wunschpartner: Loving, caring and passionate.

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