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Kontaktanzeige von laurinn
Singles in Kremenchuck!

Möchtest Du laurinn oder einen der vielen anderen Singles aus Kremenchuck jetzt kennenlernen?

Profil von laurinn:

laurinn, eine nette Frau aus Kremenchuck, sucht Männer um Kontakte zu knüpfen,... und für vieles mehr!

Fotos von laurinn:

IN-ist-DRIN Foto und Bild vom Single laurinn

Profil-Details zu laurinn:

  • Ort und Land: Kremenchuck / PLZ: 39 (Ukraine)
  • Geschlecht: Frau
  • Sternzeichen: Widder
  • Alter: 50 Jahre
  • Größe: 1,73 m
  • Familienstand: ledig
  • Augenfarbe: blau
  • Figur: normal
  • Haarfarbe: hellblond
  • laurinn über sich: I will not hide my desire to find a real man, a true partner and best man on earth, and let myself fall in love with him for real. I have a good sense of humor, I am easy-going, open and emotional. I prefer to communicate with interesting and polite people. As for my interests , I like psychology in terms of communicating with people , as well as a method of forming a harmonious relationship in the best way . In my opinion, the family creates an opportunity for developing deep relationships and everything that makes life more interesting . And to maximize harmonious relationship to the world, to people and to myself I aspire to build my live on the eternal, immutable and inviolable principles based on the laws of being thin. Man I am looking for is the one who loves life, who looks for a woman to create a family with, to enjoy life together, to experience the happiest moments and share them for two. I am looking for my soulmate!...
  • Mein Beruf: bank manager
  • Eigenschaften: sincere, honest, kind, family-minded
  • Hobbys: jogga
  • Mein Wunschpartner: I will not hide my desire to find a real man, a true partner and best man on earth, and let myself fall in love with him for real. I have a good sense of humor, I am easy-going, open and emotional. I prefer to communicate with interesting and polite people. As for my interests , I like psychology in terms of communicating with people , as well as a method of forming a harmonious relationship in the best way . In my opinion, the family creates an opportunity for developing deep relationships and everything that makes life more interesting . And to maximize harmonious relationship to the world, to people and to myself I aspire to build my live on the eternal, immutable and inviolable principles based on the laws of being thin. Man I am looking for is the one who loves life, who looks for a woman to create a family with, to enjoy life together, to experience the happiest moments and share them for two. I am looking for my soulmate!

Kostenlose Singlebörsen-Anmeldung...

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Das war nicht das passende Profil? Dann meinten Sie vielleicht andreas25111980, gergeo, endlesstoxi, camelion, sabrina9350, xy_wer_weis, kleene91688, julia19880827, sterntaler2201 oder auch brownlover?

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