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Kontaktanzeige von elegri1
Singles in Kiev!

Möchtest Du elegri1 oder einen der vielen anderen Singles aus Kiev jetzt kennenlernen?

Profil von elegri1:

elegri1, eine nette Frau aus Kiev, sucht Männer für nette Kontakte und neue Freundschaften!

Fotos von elegri1:

IN-ist-DRIN Foto und Bild vom Single elegri1

Profil-Details zu elegri1:

  • Ort und Land: Kiev / PLZ: 03 (Ukraine)
  • Geschlecht: Frau
  • Sternzeichen: Skorpion
  • Alter: 62 Jahre
  • Größe: 1,55 m
  • Familienstand: ledig
  • Augenfarbe: grün
  • Figur: normal
  • Haarfarbe: blond
  • elegri1 über sich: I like to go to the opera theater, short hikes, concerts, or just a blanket on the grass with a picnic just about anything as long as we are having fun. I have a healthy sense of humor and laughter is the best medicine. I get a lot of pleasure out of seeing people. Being able to laugh at yourself is a great quality and be understanding that each day is a new day with adventure. I love animals - all animals, but I have only one cat. They are also wonderful companions. I was a workaholic in that past but last year I had changed my attitude and decided to live life now. Rather than wait and miss life I want to take advantage while I have the opportunity in front of me. I'm waiting for you with my ID at Y com. I am calm and loyal person. I can understand another's problems and habits, and not impose my beliefs....
  • Mein Beruf: engineer
  • Mein Wunschpartner: I search a man who will be everything for me and for whom I will be everything too. I do not search for time relations, I would like to establish a family. I look forward to hearing from you.

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