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Kontaktanzeige von Phedre777
Singles in Landsberg / Bayern!

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Profil von Phedre777:

Phedre777, eine nette Frau aus Landsberg / Bayern, sucht Männer (Singles) um Kontakte zu knüpfen, zur Freizeit-Gestaltung, zum Chatten, um sich neu zu verlieben,... und für vieles mehr!

Fotos von Phedre777:

IN-ist-DRIN Foto und Bild vom Single Phedre777

Profil-Details zu Phedre777:

  • Ort und Land: Landsberg / Bayern / PLZ: 86 (Deutschland)
  • Geschlecht: Frau
  • Sternzeichen: Schütze
  • Alter: 56 Jahre
  • Größe: 1,65 m
  • Familienstand: geschieden
  • Augenfarbe: blau
  • Figur: rubens
  • Haarfarbe: blond
  • Phedre777 über sich: YES, I do speak, read and write (and dream) in German, but my "der, die, das, dem, den's....." are so horrible I figured I should write this in English ,-). hmm...what to say about me ... I am what I am. No more no less. If you are looking for a perfect woman with a perfect figure, I am NOT your gal. You can stop reading now :-) I am outgoing and intelligent and I do not suffer fools lightly! I don't play head games with people. I like to think of myself as non-judgmental and open to all different lifestyles, religions and values. If you are a bigot, racist or homophobe - STAY AWAY! I love meeting new people and enjoy having a good conversation. I am a book worm and I listen to a wide range of music - from Mozart to Metallica. Yes, I even like country ;.) I have two incredibly awesome children who are the light of my life - they are independent, strong , funny and intelligent and do just fine without Mom constantly hovering over them. Plus, Mom has a life of her own too. I'm a very positive person and can be quite lively . I LOVE to laugh and occasionally have a very sarcastic sense of humor. I am not searching for the man of my dreams (or am I?... hmmm, I'll get back to you on that). I know that I AM looking for people who enjoy good conversation, living life and sporting events....
  • Mein Beruf: Industriekauffrau
  • Eigenschaften: Ich lache viel, rede gern und bin sehr hilfsbereit aber ab und zu stur
  • Hobbys: Lesen, Softball, Baseball, Fußball

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Das war nicht das passende Profil? Dann meinten Sie vielleicht scharbo9607, tobi198, develino25, britta6925, russkijangel, branislav1, roy22m, acidkatha85, mausimaus88 oder auch homer1980?

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